Sunday, February 21, 2010

It's coming along

So we're about to put our house up on the market. I regret not taking more "before" pictures of our house, since we've done quite a bit to fix it up. I'll post more pictures later, but I wanted to show these ones of our basement banister. I forgot to take "before" ones of the actual banister, but it used to be this brown color, and it had all sorts of scuffs, scratches, and bite marks (when Noah was two, he used to bite it). We carpeted the stairs and the basement last May, and then the banister really looked bad compared to the new carpet.

Chris painted it a couple of weeks ago, and I'm so excited about how it turned out!

There have been many times that I have wondered why we've waited until now to do stuff like this. Well, I'll tell you. First of all, we couldn't afford it for a long time. Second, we didn't want to do it twice - once initially, then again after our boys have destroyed it :)


Sharene said...

Wow that looks great! I wish we could have seen it in person. I hope everyone gets feeling better soon!

Carrie Anne said...

lookin' good!! way to go! i hope it sells very quickly. good luck!!