It's definitely been the easiest adjustment after Sylvie. Not because she never cries, but because Annie and Noah are so helpful. I feel okay with leaving her alone in a room with either one of them. They are also able to make meals which we can actually eat!
The hardest part of our family's adjustment has been Brigham and Hudson. They both love Sylvie, and have been very sweet with her, but it's everything else in life that they have not been able to handle. I know it's just a phase, but I sure hope this phase ends quickly!
Like I said earlier, Sylvie has been our best sleeper. She's also a champion burper. At first she didn't spit up very much, and I was hopeful. But after a few weeks, she started spitting up quite a bit . . . and it comes out her nose as well as her mouth. Poor girl, that can't feel good.
Sylvie hates tummy time, but she's content as long as someone is holding her. She doesn't last a terribly long time laying down on her own, so we're usually holding her when she's awake.
Reading in bed with my kids, cooking with Chris, homemade soup and rolls when it's cold,dancing with my family, Stephens hot chocolate, successful Family Home Evenings, Trader Joes, scrapbooking with Annie, fall in Ohio, Tide detergent, making Hudson giggle, playing cars with Brigham, dates with Chris, Noah's headstands, apple dumplings, late night talks with Chris
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