Noah turned 9 on the 4th of Feb. and it was a family party for him this year. The night of his birthday we watched Pee Wee's Big Adventure while we ate pizza. The kids loved the movie, and we've been quoting it ever since. Yay for Netflix!
The next day was Saturday, so that's when we had our family party. Chris arranged for the three older kids to help out at an animal shelter in the morning. They had so much fun with the kittens! Later in the day we ate lunch at HuHot, which is a Mongolian grill, then we spent a couple of hours at the House of Bounce.
Height - 4' 3"
Shoe size - 3 1/2
Favorite things:
Foods - pasta salad, pesto pizza
Things to do - run outside, swim, climb, hike, do gymnastics, read
TV show - Wizards of Waverly Place
Movies - Harry Potter, Earth
Friends - Cannon Tweed, Samuel Threlkeld
Books - Inkheart series by Cornelia Funke, Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling, Lost Hero series by Rick Riordin, 39 Clues series, Magyk by Angie Sage
Songs/Music groups - Hot Air Balloon, Hello Seattle, and Fireflies by Owl City, Another One Bites the Dust by Queen, Beethoven symphonies 1-9
What does Noah want to be when he grows up? A wildlife biologist/botonist/zoologist
Noah, you have grown up so much this year! It is so fun to see all your many interests and talents emerge. I don't think a day goes by that I don't learn some new fact or piece of trivia from you. I hope you continue to love to learn. You have such a good heart and I know that you are trying hard to do what's right. We all love you so much and we're so glad that you are in our family!