Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Other February goings-on

On President's Day we went to Pump it Up, where they had a room filled with an inflatable playground. The kids had a blast. . . and I love these action shots.

This month Brig and Noah played "Steamboats" quite a bit, which is some game they made up. From my perspective, it consists of emptying every basket and box in the house, then filling them up with other things from around the house, so they can go on a journey.
They had been begging to sleep in their steamboats for days, so we finally let them.

I thought for sure they would eventually get tired of trying to sleep while their knees were mushed up to their faces, but they actually fell asleep that way!!

After taking these pictures we got them back into their beds so they wouldn't wake up tomorrow with knots all over their necks and backs.


Summer said...

That is so funny! Kids can sleep anywhere!

Annie said...

Totally true, peoples!!!