Sunday, September 6, 2009

Back to School

Annie and Noah have been in school for two weeks now. They both have great teachers and some good friends in their class. They're happy . . . I'm happy. Yes, the fighting has calmed down since they started back up with school (although when the kids are altogether it's still happening - with a vengence - so I'm still needing advice if you have any!!).

Annie's in 4th grade (4th grade?!) and Noah's in 2nd. There's been a few mornings that I have let them walk to school by themselves, which was a little nerve-wracking at first. I kept thinking, "Well, I guess the school secretary will call if they haven't made it there by 9:30." And, yes, in case you're dying to know, they did make it there just fine, and on time, since they didn't have to wait for me to change Hudson's diaper, or to wipe raw egg off the floor when Brigham decided to make his own breakfast (make that three raw eggs).

Annie and her friend, Madison


John Zakimi Kelly said...

I'm still teaching 4th grade. My oldest is in 1st grade this year. You're a brave and trusting parent to let them walk!

Summer said...

Hooray for back to school!

Annie said...


Teah said...

Wow Annie's hair is getting darker. I don't know how this will work but it tends to atleast stop things at the time, but I give the boys a time out to calm down. Then I sit them down in chairs facing each other and tell them they have to have a conversation for a set amount of time without fighting or yelling and until they do so they can't get down. It's still a work in progress since Tennyson isn't quite sure what a conversation is. p.s. they aren't aloud to talk to anyone else while doing this, especially not you. At least you get a break for a few minutes if nothing else. Good Luck.

Lane family said...

I'm telling you... ground them from eachother! They get SO board, and after an hour or two they are in LOVE. :) Boy does it work in this house

Janie said...

Wow they are so big walking to school by themselves! SO BIG!

Carrie Anne said...

Annie in 4th grade? What? When I was her teacher she was in 1st grade! What the heck? They are growing too fast! WOW! I love thinking about them walking to Lomond Elementary & I am jealous!

Sharene said...

They are growing up tooo fast!