Wednesday, August 26, 2009

I'm a Knitter!

So I have wanted to learn how to knit for a long time, but I've never gotten around to doing much about it. It wasn't until we visited our friends, the Goates, this last April and I saw the sweet hats that had been knitted for their baby that I was finally determined to learn.

Now, I miss living by my mom a lot, but I have been especially missing her during this whole learning-how-to-knit process. She's an amazing knitter, and I have so wanted her here to help when I have had questions; asking questions over the phone doesn't work quite as well! Luckily, she and my dad were here at the end of April to watch the kids when Chris and I took our trip to Chicago, so she showed me the basics then.

After I practiced for awhile, I checked out lots of books from the library, ready to start some projects. Unfortunately, I don't learn so well just looking at pictures - I need someone to show me how. Fortunately, Chris does learn well by looking at pictures:

Here he is trying to figure out how to cast on so he could show me how. And yes, he said he was fine with me taking this picture!
So I started with a hat, then I put that on hold to try out a teddy bear for my friend Patricia's new baby. Here's the result, my first knitting project!

This little bear was so much more work than it looks like it would be!! I think I prefer hats, especially knitting on the round (no seams to have to sew together). Anyway, I have discovered how satisfying it is to create something with my hands. During any free time I might have, I just turn on a movie or an audio book, and I knit away.

One of the books I found at the library has the cutest hats I have ever seen. If you ever want to be inspired to knit, this would definitely do the trick:


Lanea said...

Wow Lisa! I'm impressed! I have to admit that I was a little inspired to try it. That bear looks great!

Lane family said...

That is SO funny! When I was trying to learn, Dale read the book and showed me how. Looks like you're having fun!

Summer said...

Lisa, way to go! The teddy bear looks awesome and I'm so impressed that you took the time to teach yourself this new skill. Awesome : )

Carrie Anne said...

way to go...i am very impressed with your knitting skills!:) also, we missed "this is kirtland" this year...we thought about it so many times. i love that annie was in it. lisa, she is so pretty...she's got such natural beauty & i think she is just beautiful.

Janie said...

Wow! You guys are so motivated! I love the baby beanies--SO CUTE! How are you anyway? Sorry I haven't looked at this for a while. It looks like you have had a fun summer. Miss you guys.

Summer said...

Your bear turned out so cute!!! I don't know what you mean about the face - I think it's perfect! I'm so impressed!

Sharene said...

That bear is awesome! I'm so impressed. I'm the same way about reading patterns. Just don't get it! Luckily I have Shimayne near by who gets stuff like that!