Tuesday, June 15, 2010

More goodbyes - summer, post 2

Here are a few pictures of Chris operating - I'll leave out the bloody ones :)

These are of Chris' graduation from the Urology program:

The chief residents of 2009/2010: Previn, Chris, Amit, and Carvel . . .

. . . and the wives.

Congratulations Chris! The Clinic had no idea who they were getting when they decided to accept someone from the University of Utah for the first time. You made such a great impression on everyone you came in contact with. You work hard, get along with everyone, and you are an amazing surgeon! And you did all this while supporting a family. Your kids adore you, and so do I. Thank you for sacrificing your sleep and free time for us. We love you and we're so proud of you.

1 comment:

Brewer Bunch said...

What a fun blog! It's so fun to see all of your fun activities!