Monday, June 14, 2010

Our crazy summer, post 1

I'm finally getting a chance to post about our summer, starting with saying goodbye to Ohio. The pictures below are of Annie's teachers, 1 - Mrs. Devine and Mrs. Dipiero and 2 - Meredith, Annie, and Gillian

This is at the 4th grade graduation from Lomond. Annie had two wonderful teachers, and she made some great friends this year.

Molly, Sophie, Madison, Annie, and Dawn (the boys, Gabe and Chad, refused to be with the girls!)

Noah's best friends, Andrew and Colin

Noah had the greatest teacher this last year, Mr. Mortus. Noah loved school this year, and he really progressed. Mr. Mortus was so patient and positive, which is exactly what Noah needs in a teacher!

Goodbye Lomond.

I've posted about our next door neighbor, Jane, before. We so wish we could have brought her with us to Rochester. I can't say enough about her. She made us wonderful food, took care of our house whenever we were gone, gave me great advice about kids and gardening, and most of all, she LOVED our kids. I'll always remember our great conversations, especially while one or both of us worked in our yards.
Goodbye Jane, we love you!

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