Friday, November 14, 2008

Carving pumpkins

Chris invited Dr. Saad, a transplant fellow, to carve pumpkins with us. His family (wife and three kids) are all in Egypt, where he's from. He had never carved pumpkins in his life. We had a great time with him.

Ghost in the graveyard scene

Brig wanted his jack-o-lantern to look just like the one in a book called Just So Scary. It was one of his favorite Halloween books that we found at the library. Nice smile, Brig.

Annie ended up carving most of her pumpkin herself. Way to go Annie!

The finished products!


Sharene said...

Looks like fun. I love carving pumpkins. I even cleaned mine out myself this year. Usually Mike does it.

Mom Weight said...

Hi I just wanted to write you an email but I will put it here for other to read. Thank you for reading to your children. When teaching high school kids who do not like to read, I ask them how often their parents read to them each week. They usually say "How many times per year?" Dad Weight