Sunday, November 16, 2008

Mom diatribe

Okay, so I'm going to complain a little bit. As you all know we have four kids, and I LOVE being a mom. I feel so blessed to be able to stay home with them; I wouldn't want to do anything else. Having said that, I feel that for me, I need to be able to have time to do other things, so that I don't end up burning out.
Along with being a mom, I would like to be other things, like a reader, a writer, a semi-organized housekeeper, a gardener, a yoga master (ha ha, not exactly master, but at least a yoga doer), a runner, a wife who has time to spend with Chris, and yes, even a scrapbooker/blogger. Mind you, I don't try to do these things all at once, but throwing even one of them into the picture usually means TROUBLE. I say this because when I try to take time out for myself, a few things are bound to happen: I don't pay as much attention to the kids, which means while I am reading my book the boys are outside throwing mud from the garden all over the driveway, on the garage, and on each other. This means the kids fight more, sneak food into their rooms (which is found by me days later covered in ants), and Hudson cries more. It means I get less sleep and the kids are late for school.
I also notice that when I try to do my own thing, I get irritated with the kids when they need something. How dare Brigham ask me to pour him some Cheerios when I'm in the middle of yoga? So what this all comes down to is that when I try to be something other than a parent, I end up a stressed out, sleep-deprived mom who has her scrapbooks updated.
What is the solution??? I have no clue. If you have any thoughts on this, I would love to hear them!


Summer said...

No solution but I can relate! In fact I might as well copy and paste this onto my own blog! That is how I feel all the time. If I try to do more than one thing (which isn't even really optional) I feel like nothing gets done well. I've decided I'm not a good multi-tasker.

I'm going to have to check back and see what advice you get...

Good luck!

Sharene said...

Wow, I agree with summer. I only have one but I do the same thing. If my house is clean, then I had ignored Brielle almost the whole day but when I'm sitting on the floor playing with her, she is happy all day long and then my house is not clean and I don't make dinner for Mike and my work does not get done? Who knows... I guess just be happy with what you are doing right then and then do something different the next day?!?!?!?

Teah said...

Lisa, my advice forget the the other stuff. Save a little money on the side to pay off OSHA and the FDA inspecter when they come around. :) Donovan

I think Donovans comment on that was directly correlated to the state of our house. Oh well. We've learned that you can't do it all, but what you can do is do the best you can and the Lord (and your children) will understand. My kids are constantly waiting in line for something, but instead of getting upset with myself I just say "self your doing all you can." notice the period at the end. That means its the end of the discussion. My house is a mess, my kids cloths may not match, and I may not have had regular meals in a week, but... My family is Happy. We love each other. We have plenty to eat, Cloths to wear, and each other. The other stuff really doesn't matter so much. Just do the best you can and leave the rest up to God. Teah
P.S. your doing GREAT

Unknown said...

Lisa--I have to echo all the other comments, it is so hard to 'do it all' and while you and I and every other mom out there would agree I just can't seem to make myself stretch. (note: Cameron is now in watching cartoons with a box of cereal in front of him, and Garrett is upstairs cooing for my attention and the bathroom has cleaner sprayed on every surface but has yet to be wiped up---because I am down on the computer blogging)
You are amazing and have never ceased to be less than that. I have always looked up to you. You have such a beautiful family and have accomplished so much and do so much for others (yes, yes you do) and while it is hard to find that time for YOU, sometimes you really do need to let other things slide so you can feel some balance. I try to make sure I get good sleep, I find I am better able to handle the commotion of our home that way, and Scott gently suggested I at least try to put laundry in the wash before I start checking my friend's blogs or read or whatever. ;)
So good luck, and no worries you are wonderful!

Mom Weight said...

This is the question that mom's everywhere have asked for years. You are doing a great job, Lisa. Keep doing what you are doing. Some days you can scrapbook. Some days do exercises and yoga. Some days clean the house. Don't try to do everything in one day. I'm so glad for the days you blog. You are an amazing person to get done the many things you get done. Keep up the good work.

Katie said...

Hi. I liked your thoughts. I only have one so I haven't really had this challenge yet - not so much anyway. So far - what I've learned is if I get really motivated and have a long list of "do to's" I get frustrated with Luke. I can't do all I want to like I did when I didn't have kids. I have to pace myself and remember that first I'm a mom. It's a hard balance though. I think I will probably be asking your advice - cause I've always admired you.

Summer said...

This sounds all too familiar to me!I'm glad you have thoughts like this too, Lisa! You always seem like you have it all together! You have inspired me to try to be a better Mom on more than one occasion!

Hey, I didn't know you were a yoga fan too! If you want to stop at my house after we drop the kiddos off at school, we could do some yoga together (while the kids get into stuff they shouldn't get into)! Seriously!