Sunday, October 11, 2009

Framily camping trip

In June, we reunited with our "framily" from Outerbanks, in order to say goodbye to the Chipmans who were leaving us for a job in Colorado. We camped at Punderson Lake, and I'm kicking myself that we have been in Ohio for 5 years and we haven't camped there before- it was so beautiful, and it's only about 40 minutes away from our house. Thanks, Angie, for the post title idea- did you notice that I copied it?

All the kids!! I always end up taking so many pictures of our kids and their friends. I wish I took more pictures of the adults just to show that Chris and I have friends too.

Treasures - 2 caterpillars and a frog

The dads cooked breakfast for us . . .

. . . which included fritters. I must admit, I've never eaten one before, and the thought of eating pancake batter fried in 2 inches of bacon grease kind of grossed me out. . . but not enough to not try it. I'm telling you, that was about the best thing I've ever eaten!!

Results of less than 18 hours of camping - KID LEGS!!

*Just a couple of thoughts on camping: We don't do it very often, and now that our kids are getting older, not often enough. We had a terrible night's sleep (the older kids were up past 1:00 a.m. which meant we were too), and everyone was completely, fantastically filthy and smelly. But what great memories: trees, dirt, fireflies, frogs, caterpillars, cool early morning walks, roasting marshmallows on the fire, fritters (YUM), and for me, none of that stuff has to be tracked into the house.

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