Saturday, October 17, 2009

Hudson update

It's been awhile since I've done one of these, which makes me a little sad because Hudson is doing so many cute things and he's getting so big!! I'll try to give a good overview of the last few months.

I'm not sure why these pictures are so small; probably something I did, and I don't feel like trying to figure it out. Anyway, these pics are from when we picked raspberries at Rosby's. Hudson just kept eating them; he was kind of out of control! But we didn't try to fight it, as long as he wasn't eating the white ones or the rotten ones. He did the same thing when we picked blueberries in July. Some nice man who had a really nice camera took these pictures and emailed them to me.
Hudson pretty much did the same thing when we picked apples in October. He kept trying to take one bite out of an apple, then he'd throw it down, and find another one to take one bite out of. He loves fruit!

Hudson definitely has a sweet tooth - sorry buddy, you inherited that from me! These are mini ice cream sandwiches we had one night for an FHE treat.

And these are marshmallows. I finally had to put the bag up, because Hudson refused to be distracted away from the temptation.

Hudson loved loved loved the garden this summer. We'd always find him picking peas from the garden and trying to open the pods. He also loved the rocks around the garden plot; he couldn't keep from throwing them into the dirt.

He loves throwing any rocks, in fact, and especially into the water. This is at a This is Kirtland! cast party at Lake Erie.
This is what Hudson does with his feet whenever he is in his seat.
Hudson is so funny with hats. This is one of the rare times I got him to keep this sun hat for more than a few minutes. . .

. . . but he loves wearing this hat! Chris got this for Hudson when he was in Boston, sort of as a joke, and mainly just so we could get a picture of him wearing it. But when we put it on him, he walked around, patting it and saying "hat" over and over.
One evening right before bed, Hudson kept pulling his beloved hat over his eyes and trying to walk around. What a ham.

Speaking of being a ham . . .

Hudson has discovered the magic of magic markers. He loves to go down into the basement and play with his cars or trains, and he just recently figured out how to open the craft cupboards, despite my best efforts to thwart him. Luckily they are portable craft cupboards, so they now reside in the laundry room behind closed doors.

Hudson loves his siblings,
and he loves his daddy. Whenever Chris comes home from work, he yells, "Daddy!" and (almost) runs to him.

Hudson is starting imaginative play. He's feeding his lunch to his bear.

Hudson can't get enough of books, which makes me sooo happy. He likes to flip through pages by himself, but he especially loves to be read to. It melts my heart when he grabs a book, and backs himself up until he reaches my lap, then plops down.
He also loves Annie's friend, Hadley, who is reading to him right here. I think she was the first person outside of our immediate family that Hudson would let near him. Now whenever she's around, he says "Habee" and follows her around.

Hudson has discovered the piano. He's learned to turn on the automated songs and max out the volume.
*A few other things about Hudson: he's talking up a storm! I was wondering how his speech would be, because Annie spoke a lot very early, then Noah was a bit later, and then Brigham didn't really talk much until he was two. So I thought Hudson would probably be mute until he was at least three. But not so; he pretty much says anything, and he's starting to string some words together.
-He is obsessed with cars and trains. His two favorite things to do at home is drive his cars around the coffee table, and to push his train cars around the train tracks in the basement. He also likes puzzles and mega blocks.
-He loves to go on walks outside. He doesn't mind being pushed in the stroller, but he really loves to do the walking. If we have the time to let him stop and examine every rock and blade of grass, he will walk the whole way around the block.
-He just started nursery last month. After the 5th week, I think he has finally discovered that it's a fun place. Today was the first time Chris and I were able to leave him without tears. Afterwards he didn't want to go home and he kept talking about "Hannah" (his girlfriend) , "goldfish" (his snack), sitting in his "chair," reading "books," and he kept putting his finger to his mouth and saying "shh shh shh" because they sang "Wheels on the Bus." Sure love those nursery teachers!!


Shelleen said...

As I look at the pictures of Hudson, I can't help but think of the first thing Chris said in his email introducing Hudson. "He looks pretty much like the other kids. We like our mold." I look at one picture, he looks like Brigham. Different picture, he looks exactly like Noah. You like your mold.

Carrie Anne said...

oh i just love all of your updates! it just makes me miss cleveland even more & i cannot believe the chipmans & the shupes have now moved on & you're next! wow has time flown!!! what fun memories you have made. that is really awesome & impressive that chris is chief resident! wow!!! i also can't believe how big all of those kids are now...they grow like weeds!

Angie said...

Hadley is honored to be in your post! We love you Hudson! (Even if you only love Hadley back :)

Katie said...

so hudson and luke are pretty close huh? i guess luke is 3 months older? it's fun to read about him cause luke is doing a lot of the same stuff.