Saturday, May 29, 2010

Our house

So, we're not selling our house . . . we're renting it. This whole process has been one of the biggest challenges we have gone through. It has completely consumed us for the last few months. I remember Chris mentioning the possibility of renting out the house, and I refused to even think about it. I felt like we had done absolutely everything possible in order to get our house (and ourselves) ready to sell, and I honestly didn't think I could handle it if we couldn't.

We chose a wonderful realtor, who worked so hard for us. All of us were flabbergasted as time went on and we were hardly getting any showings. It was hard to not feel like failures as one by one, our friends and neighbors were selling their houses and we weren't. By the beginning of May we had dropped the price $13,000 from our original listing, and it didn't make a bit of difference. We knew it was time to think about renting it out. After praying tons and going to the temple again, we knew that's what we were supposed to do, and suddenly, we felt completely fine about it.

Within a few days we found some wonderful renters who are looking for a long-term agreement. After praying more, we felt so good about them. We started to see some advantages of holding onto our house for awhile: we'll be able to continue to pay down the mortgage, and when it's time to sell again, we'll be finished with fellowship so we'll be in a better position to do it. We've also decided that we're glad to still have a connection to Ohio because we've loved it here so much. It's scary to turn our house over to other people, but we know that this is what we're supposed to be doing, so we also know that everything will be okay.


Carrie Anne said...

okay i FINALLY caught up on your blog. first of all, i am SO GLAD noah is okay from getting hit by a car! oh my gosh i would die! that is a miracle. wow.
you look so beautiful in that picture below with chris! now i see where annie gets it...i think she is so pretty!!
i can't believe how the time has flown!!! seriously where does it go? i'm glad you rented your house & found one to rent. you'll have so much fun in rochester!!! so cool.

Janie said...

I think selling a house is the worst thing ever! Especially in a market like this one. I am sure it will all turn out for the best and you will probably end up making buckets and buckets of money off that house!!
I want to rent for the rest of my life so I never have to sell again!! When are you guys heading to Minnesota?