Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas festivities

One of the things we do every year before Christmas is sleep out under the tree one night. The kids absolutely love it.
It's always a terrific night's sleep for me and Chris, too.

One of the Saturdays before Christmas we go out to breakfast, then we visit Santa at the zoo. This year we ate at First Watch - YUM.

We were expecting Hudson to break into tears at the sight of Santa, but he didn't! He's the first of our kids who hasn't.

Brig, on the other hand, refused to even go near Santa without Chris. He wouldn't tell Santa what he wanted (Santa can read minds, right?), although he did stretch as far as his arm could reach so he could get the candy cane Santa offered, then he ran.

We had to visit the reindeer before we left. Brig wouldn't get into the picture - I think he was still traumatized by Santa.

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