Monday, December 8, 2008

Playing in the leaves

So I decided to be ambitious and try to rake some leaves one morning. I had also promised Brig some piles to jump in. There wasn't much leaf piling going on since every time I made a pile, Brig would jump in it. Then Hudson got tired of being on the blanket, so he started to cry. As I was trying to rake with one hand while I held Hudson with the other, and Brigham scattering leaves everywhere, I noticed my neighbor across the street. She was raking her leaves with amazing efficiency, and I was a little envious. She also has kids, but they're both teenagers.
Soon I gave up raking, and I took these pictures, then I went across the street to talk to my neighbor. She told me that she saw me taking pictures of my boys and she said (with a bit of wistfulness), "I remember those days." Suddenly, I wasn't jealous anymore. I may not get things done very quickly, but we have a lot of fun.

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